It can't transfer save data from the mobile version and vice-versa, despite the mobile version having a cloud-save feature.Because you can only purchase a unit via DLC, the only use for Premium Currency (Medals) in this version for buying temporary upgrades (Extra Money, 100% Guarantee to freeing POWs, Etc.).If players just want to buy only one strong unit, they must pay for the other cheap units that come in the pack. But in this version, the units were sold in an overpriced DLC pack. In the original version, players were able to purchase new units from shop with Premium currency. Despite being a direct port, it has some different content from the mobile version.The title screen still says "Tap the Screen" to enter the game). The on-screen instructions weren't rewritten for the PC version (i.e.This means that you'll click on unit pictures with a mouse to deploy units and drag your mouse to scroll the screen as if you're playing on an emulator. It's just a direct port of the mobile version.Why don't just admit you won't fix it? No offense, just saying. P.s.: it's not res issue - taskbar stays on top at any res. They can't be missed at any testing, so probably they were intended by design. Sometimes I wonder if DotEmu can code something for PC at all - Another World Anniversary was riddled with such overlooks too. Jeez, it's not that hard to realize, is it? I'm not even hoping on any controller support fix. Metal Slug Download: Metal Slug (Japanese:, Hepburn: Metaru Suraggu) is a Japanese run and firearm computer game series initially made by Nazca Corporation prior to converging with SNK in 1996 after the finish of the main game in the series.

It's insulting to pretend that people will slide their taskbars around to launch your game and be happy about it. It's so obvious it shouldn't exist even before beta. It's 1st of may and you still haven't fixed fullscreen issue when taskbar is not set on bottom. Metal Slug X Game For PC, - Download Game PC : Metal Slug X Full Version, Metal Slug X (PC) - 2-D side-scrolling platformer + run & gun game, Metal Slug X. Did you tried editing UserDefault.xml ? See :